by Club Office | Oct 23, 2023 | Announcements
Flags at Half-Mast Policy passed on 9/26/2023 by the Club Board of Directors at their regular meeting: The legality and equity of lowering the U.S. Flag for private mourning in Sherwood was recently called into question and a consistent and clear policy needed to be...
by Club Office | Jan 6, 2023 | Announcements
MEMBERS: FREE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LENDING CLOSET Sherwood has its own “Medical Equipment Lending Closet”. A limited supply of health care equipment and medical supplies are available to Sherwood residents. A remote-controlled lift chair was recently donated plus...
by Club Office | Nov 22, 2022 | Announcements
Attached [CLICK HERE] is the full regular trash/recycling schedule & information. Some Holidays will alter this schedule. Changes will be posted in the Post Office lobby, in the Green Sheet, etc. Fall leaves may be bagged and left for pickup on regular trash days...